Source code for svb.model

Base class for a forward model whose parameters are to be fitted
import pkg_resources
import collections

import numpy as np

    import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
except ImportError:
    import tensorflow as tf
from .utils import LogBase, ValueList


_models_loaded = False

[docs]def get_model_class(model_name): """ Get a model class by name """ global _models_loaded if not _models_loaded: for model in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('svb.models'): MODELS[] = model.load() _models_loaded = True model_class = MODELS.get(model_name, None) if model_class is None: raise ValueError("No such model: %s" % model_name) return model_class
class ModelOption: def __init__(self, attr_name, desc, **kwargs): self.attr_name = attr_name self.desc = desc self.clargs = kwargs.get("clargs", ["--%s" % attr_name.replace("_", "-")]) self.default = kwargs.get("default", None) self.units = kwargs.get("units", None) self.type = kwargs.get("type", str)
[docs]class Model(LogBase): """ A forward model :attr params: Sequence of ``Parameter`` objects :attr nparams: Number of model parameters """ OPTIONS = [ ModelOption("dt", "Time separation between volumes", type=float, default=1.0), ModelOption("t0", "Time offset for first volume", type=float, default=0.0), ] def __init__(self, data_model, **options): LogBase.__init__(self) self.data_model = data_model self.params = [] for option in self.OPTIONS: setattr(self, option.attr_name, options.get(option.attr_name, option.default)) @property def nparams(self): """ Number of parameters in the model """ return len(self.params)
[docs] def param_idx(self, name): """ :return: the index of a named parameter """ for idx, param in enumerate(self.params): if == name: return idx raise ValueError("Parameter not found in model: %s" % name)
[docs] def tpts(self): """ Get the full set of timeseries time values :param n_tpts: Number of time points required for the data to be fitted :param shape: Shape of source data which may affect the times assigned By default this is a linear space using the attributes ``t0`` and ``dt``. Some models may have time values fixed by some other configuration. If the number of time points is fixed by the model it must match the supplied value ``n_tpts``. :return: Either a Numpy array of shape [n_tpts] or a Numpy array of shape shape + [n_tpts] for voxelwise timepoints """ return np.linspace(self.t0, self.t0+self.data_model.n_tpts*self.dt, num=self.data_model.n_tpts, endpoint=False)
[docs] def evaluate(self, params, tpts): """ Evaluate the model :param t: Time values to evaluate the model at, supplied as a tensor of shape [1x1xB] (if time values at each voxel are identical) or [Vx1xB] otherwise. :param params Sequence of parameter values arrays, one for each parameter. Each array is WxSx1 tensor where W is the number of parameter vertices and S is the number of samples per parameter. This may be supplied as a PxVxSx1 tensor where P is the number of parameters. :return: [VxSxB] tensor containing model output at the specified time values for each voxel, and each sample (set of parameter values). """ raise NotImplementedError("evaluate")
[docs] def ievaluate(self, params, tpts): """ Evaluate the model outside of a TensorFlow session Same as :func:`evaluate` but will run the evaluation within a session and return the evaluated output tensor """ with tf.Session(): return self.evaluate(tf.constant(params, dtype=tf.float32), tf.constant(tpts, dtype=tf.float32)).eval()
[docs] def test_data(self, tpts, params_map): """ Generate test data by evaluating the model on known parameter values with optional added noise FIXME this is non-functional at present. :param tpts: 1xN or MxN tensor of time values (possibly varying by voxel) :param params_map: Mapping from parameter name either a single parameter value or a sequence of M parameter values. The special key ``noise_sd``, if present, should containing the standard deviation of Gaussian noise to add to the output. :return If noise is present, a tuple of two MxN Numpy arrays. The first contains the 'clean' output data without noise, the second contains the noisy data. If noise is not present, only a single array is returned. """ param_values = {} for idx, param in enumerate(self.params): if not in params_map: raise IndexError("Required parameter not found: %s" % elif isinstance(params_map[], (float, int)): value_sequence = np.reshape([params_map[]], (1, 1)) elif isinstance(params_map[], collections.Sequence): value_sequence = np.reshape(params_map[], (-1, 1)) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported value for parameter '%s': %s" % (, params_map[])) param_values[] = value_sequence max_num_values = max([len(param_values[name]) for name in param_values.keys()]) param_values_array = np.zeros((len(self.params), max_num_values, len(tpts))) for name, values in param_values.items(): if len(values) != 1 and len(values) != max_num_values: raise ValueError("Parameter %s has wrong number of values: %i (expected %i)" % (, len(values), max_num_values)) else: param_values[idx, :, :] = values with tf.Session(): clean = self.evaluate(param_values, tpts).eval() if "noise_sd" in params_map: np.random.seed(1) noisy = np.random.normal(clean, params_map["noise_sd"]) return clean, noisy else: return clean
[docs] def log_config(self, log=None): """ Write model configuration to a log stream :param: log Optional logger to use - defaults to class instance logger """ if log is None: log = self.log"Model: %s", str(self)) for option in self.OPTIONS:" - %s: %s", option.desc, str(getattr(self, option.attr_name)))